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Can I Apply For an Offer in Compromise on My Own?

Can I Apply For an Offer in Compromise on My Own?

When it comes to resolving tax debts, many people hear about the Offer in Compromise (OIC) program. This initiative allows qualified individuals to settle their tax obligations for less than the full amount owed. But, can you take this journey on your own, or do you...
How Do I Know If I Owe Back Taxes?

How Do I Know If I Owe Back Taxes?

Figuring out if you owe back taxes can be confusing, but it’s crucial for maintaining your financial health. At JD Tax Law, we believe in making complex tax situations more understandable. If you’re unsure about your tax standing, it’s important to...
What Is IRS Wage Garnishment?

What Is IRS Wage Garnishment?

Dealing with the IRS can often feel like going through a maze, especially when understanding wage garnishment. At JD Tax Law, we’re here to illuminate this process and offer a helping hand. IRS wage garnishment is a tool the IRS uses to collect unpaid taxes...
Who is Eligible for an Offer in Compromise?

Who is Eligible for an Offer in Compromise?

Going through tax debt can be overwhelming, but an Offer in Compromise (OIC) might be your solution. At JD Tax Law, we understand the complexities of tax debt and are here to help you explore your options. An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the...
Can I Discharge Back Taxes Through Bankruptcy?

Can I Discharge Back Taxes Through Bankruptcy?

Facing back taxes can feel like carrying a heavy burden that seems impossible to shed. But what if there was a way to lighten or remove that load? At JD Tax Law, we understand the stress and anxiety of tax debt. That’s why we’re diving into many of our...